PopUps: After Walking Around Boston Barefoot, Bieber Says No More Pics With Fans


Bielebers hoping to get a selfie with their favorite pop star are out of luck.

After roaming around Boston's Public Garden and Boston Common Monday, Justin Bieber has issued a new strict policy regarding fan photos, the New York Daily News reports.

The "Sorry" singer was in the city for two shows on his "Purpose" tour and was spotted walking around barefoot, playing with a squirrel and laying down in the park with headphones in his ears. Some passersby took photos of the Canadian singer and posted them on social media.

Another video posted on Instagram shows an agitated Bieber.

After the recordings were posted on social media, Bieber took to Instagram Tuesday issued a new policy regarding fans taking photos with him.

"If you happen to see me out somewhere know that I'm not gonna take a picture I'm done taking pictures," he wrote.

He went on to compare being asked to take photos to being in a zoo, saying he wants to "be able to keep my sanity."

"And people who say 'but I bought ur album' know that you got my album and you got what you paid for AN ALBUM," Bieber wrote.

Not long after posting his new policy, Bieber posted a screen shot of an Instagram user calling him "a prick."

"Your fans are the reason you are as successful as you are," users braekess wrote. "The least you could do is take pictures with them. I'm sure it's annoying not being able to live a 'normal' life, but 'normal' isn't what you signed up for. Get over it and stop being a douche."

In his caption, Bieber wrote:

Years ago it was impossible to even take a picture at anytime not everyone was accessible to a camera now everyone has a camera phone and Now it's just a different thing.If you think setting boundaries is being a douche I'm the biggest douche around but I think it's smart and will be the only way I last. I wanna enjoy life and not be a slave to the world and their demands of what they think I need to do!! I love the fact that I am able to make people happy but cmon if you truly were in my position you would understand how tiring it is ( boo hoo Justin get over it) I'm going to keep making decisions I feel are fit for my growth and no human being will make me feel bad for it.

The New York Daily News notes the latest move comes after Bieber was reported crying onstage during a performance in Philadelphia Saturday. Over the weekend, he also got a tiny cross tattoo on his face.

This story is part of our special report: "PopUps". Want to read more? Here's the full list.

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