Gay Pokemon Wedding Proposal is the Cutest Thing You'll See Today


A man took to his Tumblr last month and posted photos of what may be the nerdiest and cutest wedding proposal ever.

Since both Brett and his partner Max are both huge Pokemon fans, Brett offered Max to choose his own ring: a grass, fire or water type ring. The grass ring has a wooden inlay, the fire ring is black with a red gem and the water type has a mother of pearl inlay.

To make the proposal even more amazing, Brett placed each ring in a Pokeball.

"I've been scheming like a madman for months, having things shipped to my friends, and hiding art supplies," Brett said on his Tumblr, "Max, for his part, has been telling me pretty much every day since we've started that he's going to marry me. Somehow, I was still nervous when it came time to ask about making that official."

"At the beginning of every adventure, you need to pick a partner. I chose him," he added. "So, I figured if he said yes, he could decide what to wear on his finger. He said yes, by the way."

Max chose the fire ring but got to keep the other rings as well.

"Whatever he picked as his official starter will 'evolve' at milestone anniversaries. I got plans," Brett said.

Brett also added the reaction to the poke-proposal "has been kinda overwhelming."

"It's like getting to geek out with a whole bunch of people we've never even met," he said.

His post has nearly 30,000 notes on Tumblr.

H/T Gay Star News.

This story is part of our special report: "Gay Marriage". Want to read more? Here's the full list.

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